2023年中考英语一轮复习 九年级Unit 7~Unit 8课件(共51张PPT)

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2023年中考英语一轮复习 九年级Unit 7~Unit 8课件(共51张PPT)

#2023年中考英语一轮复习 九年级Unit 7~Unit 8课件(共51张PPT)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共51张PPT)教材梳理(RJ)九年级 Unit 7~Unit 8Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.单词篇1. ____________________ n.证;证件2. ____________________ n.安全;安全性3. ____________________ n. 田野;场地licensesafetyfield4. ____________________ n.& v.拥抱;搂抱5. ____________________ n.社区;社团6. ____________________ n. 社会→____________________ (adj.社会的)7. ____________________ v.& n. 感到遗憾;懊悔8. ____________________ v. 教育;教导→____________________ (n. 教育)→____________________ (adj. 教育的)hugcommunitysocietysocialregreteducateeducationeducational9. ____________________ v. 完成(困难的事)→____________________ (n. 经理)→____________________ (n.管理)10. ____________________ v.& n. 支持managemanagermanagementsupportUnit 8 It must belong to Carla.1. ____________________ n. 男警察→____________________ (复数形式)2. ____________________ n.实验室3. ____________________ n. 领导;领袖4. ____________________ n. 目的;目标policemanpolicemenlaboratoryleaderpurpose5. ____________________ n. 力量;精力→____________________ (adj. 精力充沛的)6. ____________________ n.一段时间;时期7. ____________________ v. 出席;参加8. ____________________ v. 表示;表达→____________________ (n. 表达)energyenergeticperiodattendexpressexpression9. ____________________ v. 接待;接受;收到10. ____________________ v. 阻止;阻挠→____________________ (n. 预防)11. ____________________ adj. 贵重的;很有用的→____________________ (n. 价值v. 重视)12. ____________________ adj. 医疗的;医学的→____________________ (n. 药)receivepreventpreventionvaluablevaluemedicalmedicine短语篇1.确保 ____________________2.给某人一个拥抱 ____________________3.回嘴;顶嘴 ____________________4.回想起 ____________________5.避免接近;远离 ____________________make suregive sb.a hugtalk backthink back tokeep ... away from6.自己做决定 _________________________7.对某人严格 ____________________8.挡……的路 ____________________9.实现某人的梦想 ____________________10.后悔做过某事 ____________________make one' s own decisionbe strict with sb.get in the way ofachieve one' s dreamregret doing sth.11.被允许做某事 ____________________12.有机会做某事 ____________________13.属于某人 ____________________14.参加音乐会 ____________________15.起初;起先 ____________________16.感到心神不安 ____________________be allowed to do sth.have a chance to do sth.belong to sb.attend a concertat firstfeel uneasy17.制造噪音 ____________________18.追逐;追赶 ____________________19.同时;一起 ____________________20.指出 ____________________21.以某种方式 ____________________make noiserun afterat the same timepoint outin a certain way课文篇句式复习1.学生不应该被允许去做兼职工作。______________________________________________2.只有那样我才会有机会实现我的梦想。______________________________________________Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.3.这些大块的石头以某种方式被摆放在一起。 ______________________________________________________________________________________4.——这是谁的排球?___________________________________________——它一定是卡拉的。她热爱排球运动。 ___________________________________________The large stones were put together in a certain way.—Whose volleyball is this?—It must be Carla' s.She loves volleyball.语篇再现Passage 1【九年级Unit 7】Liu Yu, a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong, is 1._____ running star. He is on his school team and has always wanted to be a professional runner 2._________ he grows up. However, his parents won' t allow him to train so much.“Of course we want to see him 3.__________ his dreams,” says Mr.Liu.“And weawhenachieveknow how much he loves running. My wife and I have 4.__________ every one of his races. We have nothing 5.__________ running! But we think our son needs to think about other possible jobs. He' s getting older now, so he needs to think about 6.__________ will happen if he doesn' t end up 7.__________ a professional runner.”supportedagainstwhatasLiu Yu doesn' t really agree. “Well, I think I should be allowed to decide for 8.__________,” he says. “My parents have always taught me how important it is to work 9.__________ at school and enter university. I understand this, but I' m serious 10.__________ running. It' s the only thing I' ve ever wanted to do.”myselfhardaboutPassage 2【九年级Unit 8】We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each 1.__________. It 2.__________ to be very quiet. Nothing much ever happened around here. However, these days, 3.__________ unusual is happening in our town. Victor, 4.__________ teacher at my school, is really nervous.otherusedsomethingaWhen he was 5.____________ by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange 6.__________ outside our window. My wife thinks 7.__________ it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers 8.__________ fun. My parents called the policemen, but they couldn' t find anything 9.__________. They think it might 10.__________ the wind. I don' t think so!”interviewednoisesthathavingstrangebe考点篇1.Students should __________(follow) the rules but the rules should ___________(make) by themselves.考点1含有情态动词的被动语态【九年级Unit 7】专练根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空followbe made2.You can __________(read) the book but it can' t ____________(lend) to others.3.You needn' t ____________(buy) a train ticket at a station because it can __________(order) online.readbe lentbuybe ordered点拨含有情态动词的被动语态由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。(详解见主书第一部分[第十一节 被动语态])考点2regret的用法【九年级Unit 7】( )1.I really regret __________ these silly words to my best friend. I am going to say sorry to her.A.say B.saying C.to say专练B( )2.We regret ____________________ you that the book you want is sold out. You need to wait for several days.A.to tell B.telling C.tellA点拨regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(动作尚未发生);regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事(动作已经发生)。考点3attend, take part in和join的区别【九年级Unit 8】1.Do you want to __________ the meeting 2.I decided to __________ the army.3.We ____________________ a heated discussion yesterday.专练根据句意,用attend, take part in或join的适当形式填空attendjointook part in点拨比较项 含义及用法attend 意为“出席;参加”,主要指参加会议、听报告、讲座等take part in 意为“参加”,主要指参加某项群众性的活动等,并在其中起积极作用join 意为“参加;加入”,主要指加入某个团体、组织(如军队、党派)等,并成为其中一员演练篇一、语法选择Dear Alice,I' m a senior high school student and I will be eighteen next year. I want to go to university next autumn. However, my dad wants me ____1____at home and learn to get a medical coding(医学编码) license.to study____2____I do not want to be a medical coder, I would not mind doing this. But I cannot stand the fact that I' ll have to stay at home all day for two years. Can you believe that I' ve never been to the zoo I' m not ____3____to go there. My elder sister is doing this now. I do not want to be like ____4_____. She stays inside the house all day.ThoughallowedherShe cannot even go for a walk around the neighborhood. And in my family, only my dad can drive. He does not allow ____5____ else to do it. What' s worse, the “NO DRIVING” rule is _____6____ all the females(女性) in my family. Dad says maybe he will let my six-year-old brother learn to drive when he grows up, but he _____7 ____ yet.anyoneforhasn' t decidedNow, I' m considering working on scholarships(奖学金) and getting into ____8____ university without him knowing. Am I doing the right thing I really don' t know ____9____ Dad will feel if he knows.ahowWhat should I do I really need your ____10____.Please reply soon. Thank you very much!Yours,Jennyadvice( )1.A. study B. to study C. studying( )2.A. If B. Because C. Though( )3.A. allowed B. allow C. allowing( )4.A. she B. her C. herself( )5.A. anyone B. everyone C. someoneBCABA( )6.A. on B. at C. for( )7.A. wasn' t decided B. doesn' t decideC. hasn' t decided( )8.A. a B. an C. the( )9.A. when B. who C. how( )10.A. advice B. advices C. advice' sCCACA二、阅读理解(B篇)Is there something strange high up in the world' s tallest mountains If so, is it a big bear Is it a monkey Or is it a kind of man No one knows. This has puzzled the world for years.In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints(脚印) in the snow. He believed those footprints were not from bears, but a very large man. But men don' t walk without shoes in the snow!In 1906, another climber saw more than footprints. He saw a very large animal standing on two legs far away. As he watched, it ran very quickly.Fifteen years later, newspapers had new stories about the “something”. A mountain climber said he had seen the “snowman” walk slowly across the snow, far behind him. He said it looked like a very large man.From then on, more and more stories have been told. But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of large footprints. The pictures showed clearly that the“snowman” walked on two legs. So it was not a bear or a monkey. Someday we may find out just what it is that makes the large footprints.( )11. What does the underlined word “puzzled” in Paragraph 1 mean A. Make somebody find out something.B. Make somebody feel unhappy.C. Make somebody unable to understand.D. Make somebody believe something.C( )12. When were the pictures of large footprints taken by a mountain climber A.In 1887. B.In 1906.C.In 1921. D.In 1951.D( )13. Which of the following is NOT true about the footprints A. They were footprints of a large bear.B. They looked like the footprints of a large man.C. They were found in the snow.D. They were found in the world' s tallest mountains.A( )14. How long has the mystery of the “snowman” puzzled the world A. For fifty years.B. For eighty years.C. For ninety-five years.D. For more than one hundred years.D( )15. What is the passage mainly about A. It is about some mountain climbers.B. It is about some strange animals.C. It is about some large footprints.D. It is about the mystery of a monkey.C三、回答问题Have you ever had any strange experience in your life There used to be one in my life and I was feeling uneasy for a few days.A few months ago, a strange thing happened in my life. One night, a noise woke me up when I was sleeping in bed. At first, I was not sure about what had happened. Later, I heard some strange sounds outside the window of my bedroom. I got up and went to see what was wrong outside the window. However, when I went up to the window, therewas nothing. The same thing happened on the following nights. I was scared and didn' t know what to do. I thought there might be a thief standing outside the window. I asked my parents to see what it was. But they found nothing. They thought it might be the wind. But I didn' t think so.That lasted for a few days. I couldn' t sleep well. Sometimes I even couldn' t fall asleep. One day, I bought a flashlight in a market. At midnight, as soon as I heard the strange sound, I jumped out of my bed with the flashlight. I saw a black cat jumping up and down near the window.It might want to make friends with my pet cat, but it couldn' t get into my house.If you were me, will you feel scared 16. How did the writer feel during that period ___________________________________________17. What woke the writer up that night ___________________________________________The writer felt uneasy.A noise woke the writer up that night. / A noise.18. Where did the noise come from _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________19. What did the writer' s parents think it might be ______________________________________________________________________________________The noise / It came from outside the window of the writer' s bedroom. / Outside the window of the writer' s bedroom.The writer' s parents / They thought it might be the wind. / The wind.20. What might the black cat want to do according to the writer ______________________________________________________________________________________The black cat / It might want to make friends with the writer' s pet cat.THANKS!






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